Steps towards a GPSS block diagram system


  • Ingolf Ståhl

We first note that block diagrams have been important for the learning of GPSS and have been used in most GPSS text books. The full value of block diagrams is obtained first when they can be automatically generated from program code and that block diagrams in turn can generate code. The computer generation of block diagrams requires, however, very exact rules for the block diagrams. This is lacking in the literature. We here present the first steps towards a definition of block diagram rules that can be the basis for GPSS block diagram generation, in particular for microGPSS. Since there are several micro-GPSS based diagram projects on its way, in different GPLs, we suggest that the main calculation work be done by the basic micro-GPSS engine, GPSS.EXE. 1 Importance of block diagrams for GPSS GPSS has all since its first version in 1961 been using some kind of block diagram symbols. Although the symbols used and the way the block symbols have been connected have changed from book to book, several symbols have remained the same over the years. For example, 13 block diagram symbols used in a GPSS II manual from 1963 [IBM63] are the same as those used in the present version of WebGPSS. Most GPSS books use some sort of block diagram. Examples of GPSS textbooks with many GPSS block diagrams are [Sch74], [Sch91], [Stå90], [BCS89], [BKP76], [Gor72], [Gor78], [ThT92], [WaB89] and [HoP90]. Schriber’s Red book [Sch74] has more block diagrams than any other GPSS books, in fact over 60, and has set the standard. There are also some general simulation text books that present at least one block diagram in connection with their short presentation of GPSS, such as, for example, [BaC84], [LaK91] and [Ste94]. It should, however, be noted that there are also some GPSS text books that present many programs in text, but contain no block diagrams at all. Examples are [FrL79], [Chi92], [Sol83] and [ODo79]. In my opinion, the GPSS block diagram is, however, one of the major competitive advantages of GPSS. It has many strong competitors when it comes to text based simulation languages, but the GPSS block diagrams have unique features. I have in my teaching of GPSS, starting with GPSS/360 back in the 70s, found block diagrams very useful for the students. A proper block diagram conveys the logic of the simulation model better than the corresponding text code. I believe that block diagrams are particularly useful for students who are not used to programming in a text based general purpose language. This has, not the least, been the case with my business students in Sweden. ______________________________________________________________ * P.O. Box 6501, SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden. Email: [email protected] 2 Automatic generation of GPSS block diagrams All the block diagrams in the books mentioned above have been drawn by hand. The full advantage of the GPSS block diagram system can, however, be obtained first when the block diagrams are generated automatically from the program text, and, even more importantly, the program text is generated from a block diagram that the user builds using a mouse. The earliest attempts of automatically generating a block diagram from the text are probably that of GPSS/PC from the early 80’s. These block diagrams lack, however, connections between the blocks, in the form of paths to be discussed below. More ambitious attempts or plans were those of GRAMOS-GPSS, GPSS/VI and F. Breitenecker of the early 90’s [Die93], [Bal92] and [Bre92]. None of these systems are, however, available to-day. The major effort as regards computer block diagrams has been those based on the micro-GPSS language [Stå90]. One reason for this might be that, since micro-GPSS has less than half as many blocks types as other GPSS systems, the work on such a block based system is a lot easier. Already in the early 90s, I developed GPSSDIA [Stå93], which on the basis of a text program could generate the block diagram. It could, however not work the other way around, but many of my students requested a system where one with the block diagram as a basis could build up the GPSS program in the form of code text. In fact, one of my micro-GPSS students already in 1992 started on such a software, called GPSSEDIT [Nyw92]. This was built in Turbo Pascal for Windows. Although the system had several promising features, it was lacking in several aspects and it was never fully completed. I had then also started work on my own version of such a system, based on GPSSDIA. This system, GPSSGUI, was also developed in Turbo Pascal, but for DOS. The idea behind these systems is that the user by choosing different block symbols from a block symbol menu can first build up the skeleton of the program in the form of the block diagram. By next clicking on a block in this block diagram, a dialog is opened and the user can input the operands of this particular block. The work on such a GUI system did not take off until 1997, when we got financing from a Swedish educational foundation to develop a Web-based GUI of this type [HeS99]. This system, called WebGPSS, which was developed in Java, became available on the web in 1999. Parallel to this, a similar, Windows-based system, WinGPSS, also using micro-GPSS, was developed in Magdeburg, by H. Herper, A. Krueger and H. Schlifke, using Delphi [HeS99]. WinGPSS has more recently included a simple way of animating the program by having simple tokens, representing the transactions, move through the block diagram, thus animating each simulated event. I have also presented a sketch of such an animation system for micro-GPSS, using Proof [Stå00]. This involves the automatic definition of paths for the Proof layout files. It should be mentioned that due to various problems with Java applets on the web [Stå05], we have also developed a web-independent version of WebGPSS, available on a CD. Problems with Java have also caused M. Lindhe to start sketching on a micro-GPSSbased GUI for C#. Remaking WebGPSS using Delphi has also been contemplated. It should finally be mentioned that that we have on the Web recently found a block diagram system based on micro-GPSS, called Simulaworks, developed in Egypt. We can hence note that there are a handful of efforts towards constructing a GUI system, with symbol menus and block diagrams, based on micro-GPSS. This implies that in order not to have a lot of duplicated efforts, with several developers writing code for the construction of the block diagram in different languages, such as Java, Delphi, C#, etc., most of the calculations needed for the construction of this block diagram should be done by one single set of algorithms, mainly to be used by the micro-GPSS engine, GPSS.EXE. 3 Issues in the generation of block diagrams We shall hence devote the rest of the paper to a preliminary discussion of some general principles for the automatic generation of these block diagrams. It should first be noted that the principles for GPSS block diagrams have not been discussed at any length in the literature. The reason for this is most probably that all block diagrams in the literature were hand-made, in many cases in the final stages drawn by people at the publisher with little knowledge of GPSS and who do not always follow the rough sketches made by the author. In the case of the automatic generation of block diagrams very exact rules are, however, needed. Here we are not in a position to provide the final exact set of rules, but more like first steps for this. It seems important to start a discussion to get some feed-back before work gets down to the very precise details. It should be noted that the main influence for the block diagrams as provided by the systems mentioned in section 2 above has been Schriber’s Red book [Sch74], which no doubt has also influenced the block diagrams in most later books. It seems, however, not possible to distill all the principles from this book. The automatic generation of block diagrams to be seen mainly on a computer screen is a process quite different from manually drawing block diagrams to be seen in a book. Starting to think through the issues in more detail, I think that it appears clear that the diagrams based on the new principles will in some details have to differ not only from the diagrams of Schriber, but also from those of the present systems, such as WebGPSS and WinGPSS. It should in this connection also be noted that most of these principles, regarding e.g. the location of the blocks and the paths, could also apply to other GPSS systems, such as GPSS/H and GPSS World. We shall hence next turn to the question of what characteristics are suitable for a block diagram system for GPSS, in particular micro-GPSS. There are a number of significant issues involved. 3.1 Free or fixed form format? The first issue deals with the way the block diagram is built up. Should it only be possible to place the blocks in some fixed places or should it be possible to place a block anywhere, completely freely, on the workspace. One cannot from the hand-made drawings in the text-books determine exactly what positioning is allowed, but for computer generated drawings these principles must be determined. While most other systems, like e.g. Arena, allow a block to be placed anywhere on the work area, the main four micro-GPSS based systems mentioned above (WebGPSS, WinGPSS, GPSSEDIT and GPSSGUI) have all been based on the principle that a block can only be placed in a limited number of positions. While the free positioning of a block requires drag-and-drop, the positioning in a fixed position scheme can be done by point-and-click. The fixed positioning systems generally automatically choose the place where the next block shall be placed and a new symbol is then placed on this spot after the point-and-clicking on this block symbol in the symbol menu. It should in this connection be mentioned that one important difference between WebGPSS and WinGPSS is that WebGPSS only allows for point-and-click, while WinGPSS as its first choice has drag-and-drop placement of the blocks in the block diagram. The form of the block diagram is, however, also for WinGPSS independent of how the symbols are brought from the symbol menu to the block diagram. Thus the slower drag-and-drop method really does not give any advantage in the case when the placement of the block symbols is fixed. The main principle for the fixed positioning system is that each block in the block diagram should have an exact place in terms of a column and a row of the block diagram. While the width of each column does not have to be of exactly the same size, each row should have the same height. The width of each column will be determined by the number of connecting paths and the length of certain operand texts, as discussed below. We can hence see the block diagram as consisting of a number of cells, where the cells should all have the same height. All cells in the same column should have the same width and be in a straight line under each other, but cells in different columns could have different widths. I have experienced the advantage of such a fixed positioning and point-and-click system when watching my students construct a block diagram model very rapidly by just clicking on a number of block symbols in the symbol menu. 3.2 Connecting paths or not? Another important issue is whether one should have connecting paths between some blocks. The paths are lines that connect a source block with one or several target blocks, i.e. blocks with addresses used in these source blocks. There are three types of source blocks, namely GOTO, IF and SPLIT blocks. We can also call these three types of blocks for jump blocks and we shall call the block addresses that are used both as operands in some jump block and as target addresses for matched addresses. Besides these matched addresses, there can be blocks with addresses that are used for other purposes, like determination of N$ and W$ SNAs or as pure comments for documentation. These addresses with other purposes are disregarded when establishing the paths. The question is hence here how one displays the connection between a jump block and a matching target address. One way is to try to use some connecting path. The alternative would be to only have the jump block lead to an address symbol, such as a circle, and have the target address related to this address in the jump block have a corresponding symbol, both with the address name, a number or a letter inside the symbol. This system without any connecting lines is used by WinGPSS. I have, however, already since my start with GPSSGUI decided to use paths. The use of paths makes it much clearer which blocks are connected. This is especially true in the case of several pairs of jump and target blocks in a large block diagram. It is then very easy to see which blocks are connected to which blocks. The two block diagram on the next page might provide some idea of the benefit of using paths. The use of paths is furthermore, as noted, also essential for animation, e.g. using Proof, so that one can have the transactions move continuously from one block to another, without large jumps, which would be necessary in case one only used connecting circles. 3.3 One or several columns for normal segment? Another issue is whether one, within the framework of this relatively fixed format of given “boxes” for the blocks, should have all blocks that originate from the same GENERATE block be presented in the same column. Both WinGPSS and WebGPSS in their present versions present all blocks following one GENERATE block and ending with the block prior to the next GENERATE block in one tall column. This is OK for the most elementary programs, like Joe’s barbershop, with one barber and one type of customer. However, already for slightly more complex programs it is from a readability point of view clearly advantageous to be able to present a segment divided into several columns. This has been allowed in GPSSDIA and GPSSEDIT. To stress the advantage of this type of set up, I present below two block diagrams that refer to fairly simple programs, which we have used in our presentation of WebGPSS material, although we have not yet had the resources to implement these diagrams in WebGPSS. Figure 1: Block diagram of TV factory Figure 2: Block diagram of vodka shop Figure 1 deals with a classic problem, found in Schriber’s Red book, regarding the quality control unit of a TV factory, where two controllers check TV sets. 15 percent of the TV sets are defect and have to be fixed by a repairer, before being tested again. Figure 2 deals with Boris vodka shop in old Russia. The customers first line up at Boris to get a look at the bottles, choose one and learn the price; they then pay Naina and get a receipt; they finally line up again at Boris to exchange their receipt for the bottle. The program logic is here much clearer than if we had to have each segment in just one column. This way of presenting a segment in several columns is, as mentioned, allowed in GPSSDIA and GPSSEDIT. These systems can do this, however, only at a substantial price. The price is not, as might be expected, that one would need drag-and-drop to line up the blocks where desired. This can be done just as easily by point-and-click, since one can just click on the specific location, where one wants the next block to be inserted. In fact, the user can decide on how to get the diagram “nicer looking” by choosing a suitable location for the insertion of the next block. This is important for getting e.g. easily understandable programs and solved exercises as part of an educational system. The problem is of another kind, namely how you save the extra information that is contained in the figures above, which is not available in the ordinary micro-GPSS program text. In GPSSEDIT this is accomplished by saving the program in a special picture format, which is not in the ASCII format used by the micro-GPSS code. The problem is then two-fold. The picture format file is often more than 20 times larger than the text file and you have to keep two files rather than just one, complicating things greatly. In GPSSDIA you have to insert several special ASCII characters on some comment lines, but you will have this information in the program code, which becomes only marginally larger and you hence only need to save one program. This GPSSDIA inspired approach seems to be superior. In principle, the only extra information needed as regards Figure 1 is that block 7, the block after TERMINATE, should be located in column 2 on row 5 and as regards Figure 2 that block 8 should be located in column 2 on row 2. Information about this could be provided in a comment, e.g. at the end of the line, e.g. in text columns 72-78, not seen in the program listing. We could in this case in columns 72 – 75 have #2,5 and #2,2. To translate this information into the block diagram like above requires a more elaborate GUI program. The extension refers mainly to the connecting paths. If there are no connecting paths at all there is very little problem, since the location of each block in itself is not complicated to calculate. The calculation of the exact form of the paths might, however, be a cumbersome task for the GUI package. This program must provide information for each cell in the block diagram, i.e. for each column and row combination, what path elements should be presented in this cell. The determination of this algorithm requires a more careful study of what can be inside such a cell. 3.4 Some general rules for block diagrams We shall in this section discuss some general principles that refer to both the case when all the blocks of one segment lie in the same column and the case when a segment is divided over several segments. We first mean that, without the paths, the block cells should be standardized as regards their width in two ways, which can influence the paths: 1. The right-most point, x1, generally established by the right-most vertical line of the rectangles involved in most of the blocks. 2. The left-most point, x2, generally established by the left-most point of the GENERATE block or of the facility triangles or storage half-circles. As regards the height, each cell can be regarded to be divided into two equally tall parts, the upper part and the lower part. This is of importance as regards the connecting lines. For each cell, we can decide as regards a path whether there is a vertical in the upper part and in the lower part. For example, for a path that starts with a jump block and which is the first path in the segment, there is no such line in the upper part of the cell of this block, but one in the lower part. On the other hand, if we have a path ending at a target block, and this path is the last one of the segment, then there is such a line in the upper part of the cell, but none in the lower part. Connecting paths should be straight lines, since this allows for the simplest kind of path files. We then only need an indicator of whether there is a line or not in a potential position. Each column can have one vertical path to the right and at most three vertical paths to the right. Four or more vertical paths to the right appear to make the block diagrams difficult to read. If four would have been required, connection circles are preferable. The left and first right paths must in general not interfere with the operand text of the blocks. At most x3 (e.g., 5) characters should be to the left of the left hand extreme of the blocks, x1. Likewise, the first right path should be at most x4 (e.g. 10) characters to the right of the right-most point, x2. The operand text of certain operand strings, placed in the middle of the block, shall then have been adjusted so that the middle character lies at the extension of the middle path. It appears furthermore suitable that the new GUI program is open to allow for future 8 character GPSS names, in line with GPSS/H. There should be five types of horizontal paths: 1. from the jump block’s left-most point to the left path; 2. from the jump block’s right-most point to the first right path. 3. from the first right path to the second right path; 4. from the second right path to the third right path; 5. from the central path to the left path and 6. from the central path to the first right path. While paths 3 and 4 are of fixed length, paths 1, 2, 5, and 6 can be of variable length, but with a minimum length x5. Arrows are placed on all the horizontal paths of type 1, 2, 5 and 6, with the arrow pointing outwards away from the jump block symbol in cases 1 and 2, and pointing inwards to the central path in cases 5 and 6. The arrow is placed at a fixed distance x6 from the jump block and x7 from the central path. To each block we allow only one point of entry, namely at the top, at the central path, close to the target address. The use of several points of entry would be confusing, in particular for station blocks, like SEIZE. The exit from a block, i.e. from a jump block, can only be at one point, close to where the target address is given. As regards which path to take for various connections, we define, as a first step, pairs of matches between jump blocks and target addresses. To each target address we assign possibly a number of such pairs, but they will eventually share a joint path. An address can, as mentioned, have several matching jump blocks. In order to limit the total number of paths, each pair will not have its own completely separate path, but all pairs connected to an address will as the path comes closer to this address have the same path. When making the choice regarding on which of the four paths to place the paths, we suggest the following rules for paths involving only one column: If there is only one path, it should use the first right path. If there are two paths and one goes downwards and the other goes upwards, then the main rule is that the downward path takes the first right path and the upwards path the left path. Another goal in the selection of paths is that we shall as far as possible try to avoid intersecting paths. This implies that when there are e.g. two paths dealing partly with the same blocks and both are directed downwards, and one path is “inside” the other one, in the sense that the inside block starts later and ends earlier than the “outside” block, then the “inside” path shall be represented on the first right path and the “outside” path on second right path. This is an improvement on e.g. WebGPSS, where this situation leads to intersecting paths. Such a situation is exemplified by the segment in the program below.

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